Our Story
Our Story
Our Vision & Mission

VISION: Energy storage is a vital technology solution for enabling sustainable energy use and to address climate change. The transition to a sustainable energy future requires bold and innovative action and solutions. NY-BEST will promote energy storage through education and thought leadership; lead the development and deployment of energy storage solutions; and expand markets for energy storage. 

MISSION:  To catalyze and grow the energy storage industry and establish New York State as a global leader in advancing energy storage as a key solution for a clean energy future.

We do this by: 
(1)    Accelerating the widespread deployment of a broad range of energy storage solutions in the marketplace; 
(2)    Advancing innovation and commercialization of energy storage technologies and applications across stationary, mobile and transportation sectors; and
(3)    Strengthening and leveraging New York’s world-class energy storage ecosystem (intellectual and manufacturing capabilities, workforce and markets) to attract new investment, assist companies and grow New York’s energy storage sector.


How We Achieve Our Goals

1. Acting as an authoritative resource on energy storage, proactively communicating energy storage related news and information, and facilitating connections among stakeholders;

2. Advancing and accelerating the commercialization process for energy storage technologies, from research and development, to products and widespread deployment

3. Educating policymakers and stakeholders about energy storage and advocating on behalf of the energy storage industry; and

4. Promoting New York’s world-class intellectual and manufacturing capabilities and providing access to markets to grow the energy storage industry in New York.





The New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology (NY-BEST™) Consortium was created in 2010 to position New York State as a global leader in energy storage technology, including applications in transportation, grid storage, and power electronics.

NY-BEST currently has more than 185 members. The Consortium's membership is diverse and includes manufacturers, academic institutions, utilities, technology and materials developers, start-ups, government entities, engineering firms, systems integrators, and end-users. The majority of its members are New York State-based entities.

NY-BEST serves as an expert resource to energy storage-related companies and organizations seeking assistance to grow their businesses in New York State. This includes access to financing, research capabilities, potential partners, technology developers, manufacturers, and other private sector and government resources. NY-BEST serves as an important connector in establishing a strong energy storage “ecosystem” encompassing all stages of energy storage product development and use.


Looking to the Future
New York State has enacted the most ambitious climate protection legislation in the nation, including a mandate to achieve 70% renewable energy and deploy 3 GW of energy storage on the electric grid by 2030 and advance bold, new clean transportation initiatives. NY-BEST is committed to helping achieve these goals.   



Join Us

Thank you for your interest in joining the New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium (NY-BEST). NY-BEST seeks to position New York as a global leader in energy storage technologies and is helping to capitalize on New York’s existing technical and industrial capabilities to bring together industry, start-ups, engineering firms, academic institutions, government agencies, law firms, financial institutions, and stakeholder groups.


NY-BEST New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium

230 Washington Avenue Extension
Suite 101
Albany, NY 12203

P: 518.694.8474

E: info@ny-best.org